Stick Around
The Management Team for YPI is currently huddled in a dank basement somewhere in Kampung Air to discuss the future of this site... (Hey Kampung Air houses do not have any basement ...?? Damn something soft and warm's just landed on my head??! SHHII*******).
In any case, there are alot of philosophical issues for us to resolve about this site such as:
Why are we here?
What is our purpose?
What is the meaning of life?
Is the universe really filled with so many Parking Idiots?
Which of the telly tubbies is gay?
The site will be back in the near future when we know the ins and outs of how the universe works, so please stay tuned...
5:34 PM
Heheheh I like that... management meeting... Seriously hope you decide to continue the site, even if it means in a more toned down manner. What happened anyways??
5:45 PM
shhhh.. management meeting bah :) heheh
9:12 PM
Please keep running this site...blurring any part of the plate will make the impact more softer but I suppose even the giants of today had to take baby steps when first starting out. Hopefully we'll all grow up really soon and see that what slightly hurts us now will ultimately do us a world of good.
PS. the telly tubbie that has then handbag is gay.
1:19 AM
i like the stick well done not half done... listen to your customer,they are always right... there pay for your labour, no!
1:20 AM
opps, didn't realise the spelling mistake.. i meant steak
1:28 AM
came back from work today... took more pictures of idiots' cars at airport P2 carpark... reached home to send the photos but disappointed to find out the blog is shut... iskh! :~(
8:39 AM
Hang on to your photos and keep taking them for the time being. Once the site is up again you can send them in.
10:13 AM
Go Blog: If the Tele Tubby with the handbag is gay...which tele tubby mate does he do his gayish thing with? OooOo...more puzzling questions to be solved...
1:45 PM
...all the tubbies are gay/lesbian...they all have been found doing foursome in the tubby land, "eee...oo"..
....*details might be just a mere lie*
7:01 PM
Hidup YPI!!
8:49 PM
YEAH AH Terus kan lah ypi ani ......slmt hari raya
8:03 AM
Apa yang gay2 ani? astaga..I hate telly tubbies..hehehehe..please do keep this site..oh..did i just say 'please'?
Selamat Hari Raya Everybody!!!
12:32 AM
Selamt Hari Raya everybody... minta duit raya bulih? kan membayar parking tiket wah..
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