Case 114. *edited by YPI Management*
Contributed by VR4RS.
A Merc occupying two parking spaces. And act of stupidity and selfishness..Why stupid? Why bother reverse park if you can park straight ahead. Why selfish? Occupying two parking spaces and in wrong direction. Before you guys put any comments on this PI, let me be the first ( please click 'comment thingy').
Actually there's a PI inside the Merc (click on photo and zoom).
*edited* and because there is someone in the car, this photo has been rejected. The way I see it, she's not really an idiot because she's getting out of the way for other drivers.
3:39 PM
Ani bukannya apa ni..ani kes kan gagas kan balik ni...lapas kaja tarus zoom kununnya...faloi!!!
8:31 AM
Merc was left there parked for quite sometime, I didn't manage to take pic earlier on. Only when returning to take pic......while returning back to my car, the FEMALE driver was also returning to the Merc and only at that point did I managed to take pic.
Totally agrees wiz Bro ParkUrAss's comment!
11:20 AM
Point taken. Thanks for the additional info.. Could've told me before I rejected it. Hehe.. ParkUrAss-1, YPI Management-0.
11:43 AM
Go ParkUrAss,
Go parkUrAss,
Go ParkUrAss Go!
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