Case 123.
Contributed by Reeda.


This will be the my first posting from AnakBrunei. As my colleague at YPI says, let the wisdom of Reeda be heard here.
This pic doesn't show any PI's (well technically all the cars on the right of the picture are PI's but thats beside the point) but instead depicts the consequences of the PI's actions. Yes folks, these poor innocent people are in fact trying to figure out how they are gonna maneuvre out of their parking spots! While the PI's are in the mall enjoying their shopping or makan, this is what goes on in the basement. People are trying to exit their parking spaces and finding it impossible because YOU yes YOU! decided it was okay to park in a manner which will inconvenience others! Next time, do use some grey matter... THINK before you park. Pic taken at the mall on payday saturday...
10:01 PM
Selfish b****y eejits, that's what they are. I've been caught in this situation too and it really tests your patience.
3:43 PM
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