Case 189.
Contributed by Don Carleone.
Quite a bit of this is going around these days.. What the hell is going on here?!! Are brakes getting softer that they misjudged the roads? Are cars getting crazier going over sidewalks? Are people getting busier that they have no time to park properly? Or are they just being inconsiderate and feeling idiotic without a care in the world..
Taken at the Scouts HQ, Beribi.
Time 14:10. Date 8th Feb 2007
Quite a bit of this is going around these days.. What the hell is going on here?!! Are brakes getting softer that they misjudged the roads? Are cars getting crazier going over sidewalks? Are people getting busier that they have no time to park properly? Or are they just being inconsiderate and feeling idiotic without a care in the world..
Taken at the Scouts HQ, Beribi.
Time 14:10. Date 8th Feb 2007
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