Case 190.
Contributed by our very own, all time contributer, the one and only r3dRaGoon.

.. and the million dollar question is.. How does the silver jeep get out of the parking slot?!! Sheeesh.. Why oh why people can't stop thinking about themselves once and a while and be more considerate to others..
Taken at Abdul Razak complex gadong (Near Ahan Thai)
Dated 130207.
Thanks r3dRaGoon.. We missed you at YPI. Haha!! Ok, don't gay it up yeah..

.. and the million dollar question is.. How does the silver jeep get out of the parking slot?!! Sheeesh.. Why oh why people can't stop thinking about themselves once and a while and be more considerate to others..

Dated 130207.
Thanks r3dRaGoon.. We missed you at YPI. Haha!! Ok, don't gay it up yeah..
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