YPI International 011.
Contributed by VR4RS.
Hey hey hey!! Its our regular international contributer VR4RS. Masyallah!! What do we have here? Arabic style parking!! You can see from the first picture that there are at least 3 cars parked at an angle when they are not suppose to be like that. Another 2 cars in the second picture.
I'd say the government money's wasted drawing lines for parking spaces.
Taken in Abu Dhabi.
Time 1315. Dated 14.05.07.
Hey hey hey!! Its our regular international contributer VR4RS. Masyallah!! What do we have here? Arabic style parking!! You can see from the first picture that there are at least 3 cars parked at an angle when they are not suppose to be like that. Another 2 cars in the second picture.
I'd say the government money's wasted drawing lines for parking spaces.
Time 1315. Dated 14.05.07.
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