Case 235.
Contributed by Teapot.

Wow!! Very very good first contribution!! Teapot, you've outdone yourself! No times or the place from where this was taken but I don't think you could drag your eyes away from the YPI. and this also makes my job alot easier because I can't even see the plate to blur it.
Haha!! Good one. Keep'em comin..
Mail received yesterday.
Sorry for the delay, it was in my junk folder.

Wow!! Very very good first contribution!! Teapot, you've outdone yourself! No times or the place from where this was taken but I don't think you could drag your eyes away from the YPI. and this also makes my job alot easier because I can't even see the plate to blur it.
Haha!! Good one. Keep'em comin..

Sorry for the delay, it was in my junk folder.
2:00 PM
I think this is at RIPAS Hospital, outside the gynae clinic and the hospital canteen/koperasi store.
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