Case 301A.

"..Hey peeps,
heres some pics, taken at random places.
Cars parked beside the road: Pasar Gadong (there were loads n loads of parking space surrounding the Pasar)
notice that Vios with the driver, Earlier, the person in front of me (KIA Sorento) was asking him to move his car as he was having a hard time passing thru because of the VERY VERY narrow space, BUT the Vios driver was VERY ignorant. well i dont think you guys would consider this as a Parking Idiot, but he sure is an Idiot. :p
Toyota Levin Corolla Red & Ford Ranger: Menglait near Michelin (parking spaces were seen, well, obviously.)
Mitsubishi Magna & Hyundai Elantra Wagon (i think) : Supa Save (parking spaces were empty on the other side AND the 1st floor underroof parking lot)
the Magna driver simply parked his car like that, and its back was a bit blocking the way, notice the white line on the right side, thats the end of the parking box.
Toyota Soluna: in front of Aaron's Car Audio, Gadong. (man, she took two parking spaces!)

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