Case 312.
Contributed by Piggy.

Hehe.. I like what Piggy said.. 'Look at that Mitsubishi Kuda. Buta tah kali banar. Tarang2 ada parking. Tau main 'ampai' saja kereta nya atu.' I think this guy needs new spectacles. Haha!!
Submitted on 25.10.07.
Hehe.. I can't stop giggling... Hehehe!! Missed by that much.. Hehehe!!

Hehe.. I like what Piggy said.. 'Look at that Mitsubishi Kuda. Buta tah kali banar. Tarang2 ada parking. Tau main 'ampai' saja kereta nya atu.' I think this guy needs new spectacles. Haha!!

Hehe.. I can't stop giggling... Hehehe!! Missed by that much.. Hehehe!!
9:06 PM
Simply "LURRR"
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