Case 324.
Contributed by Piggy.
Bah Piggy, u saja story eh.."Ever been to Kiulap? Look at the 1st photo. Rasa kan 'belimbu', suka hati tia parking bawah pokok. But actually they were parking on a main road. and look at that! one idiot can be seen approaching her car. Membari sasak ni urang parking di sini ah.. Making us hard to get out of the junction because they are blocking the view as well as making the road congested especially in rush hours.."
Submitted 13.11.07
Photos taken infront of Syakirin Complex, Kiulap.
Bah Piggy, u saja story eh.."Ever been to Kiulap? Look at the 1st photo. Rasa kan 'belimbu', suka hati tia parking bawah pokok. But actually they were parking on a main road. and look at that! one idiot can be seen approaching her car. Membari sasak ni urang parking di sini ah.. Making us hard to get out of the junction because they are blocking the view as well as making the road congested especially in rush hours.."
Submitted 13.11.07
Photos taken infront of Syakirin Complex, Kiulap.
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