Case 331.
Contributed by Bob.

Ahh.. the ol' park-anywhere-you-want idiot. Its just so common that nobody seem to care anymore. While this seems alright to some because they're not really blocking the way, they could've easily park like the idiot below.

This guy as Bob said was caught during payday. Poor Ford transit barely got enough space to go through.. We've got to get rid of this mentality guys and be responsible.
Submitted 02.12.07
Taken from the Mall and Gadong in front of Bismi.

Ahh.. the ol' park-anywhere-you-want idiot. Its just so common that nobody seem to care anymore. While this seems alright to some because they're not really blocking the way, they could've easily park like the idiot below.

This guy as Bob said was caught during payday. Poor Ford transit barely got enough space to go through.. We've got to get rid of this mentality guys and be responsible.
Submitted 02.12.07
Taken from the Mall and Gadong in front of Bismi.
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