Case 352.
Contributed by the ever loving and caring Piggy (for being worried about me).
Top part of the photos.. looks like they couldn't find any parking space so they just parked there.. ON THE FREAKIN MAIN ROAD!!! If you look even further up, there's lots of spaces there but no!! Its just to far to walk..
The main target here is the Prado (right? It is a Prado right?) Since nobody's allowed to park there right because there's a barrier there so why not make full use of it.. Well the main point of the barrier is because there's a fire hydrant there. Du-oh!!!
Submitted 03.01.08.
Top part of the photos.. looks like they couldn't find any parking space so they just parked there.. ON THE FREAKIN MAIN ROAD!!! If you look even further up, there's lots of spaces there but no!! Its just to far to walk..
The main target here is the Prado (right? It is a Prado right?) Since nobody's allowed to park there right because there's a barrier there so why not make full use of it.. Well the main point of the barrier is because there's a fire hydrant there. Du-oh!!!
Submitted 03.01.08.
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