Case 353.
Contributed by Retarded Genius.

Hehe!! Retard was so excited that he forgot to attached the photo.. Haha!!! I mean.. who wouldn't right? Its rare enough to find a Ferrari like this..
"..and he just parked his beautiful ride right beside the very-narrow-difficult-to-enter junction. and OH LOOK! no lines. hehe. awal pagi bah ada beulah... haha."
Good one mate..
Submitted 10.01.08

Hehe!! Retard was so excited that he forgot to attached the photo.. Haha!!! I mean.. who wouldn't right? Its rare enough to find a Ferrari like this..
"..and he just parked his beautiful ride right beside the very-narrow-difficult-to-enter junction. and OH LOOK! no lines. hehe. awal pagi bah ada beulah... haha."
Good one mate..

3:39 PM
Haha dude, u have noooo idea.. payah kli ah kan online! LOL. dude, check out my blog :p
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