Contributed by Capie

Doesn't look that bad from this angle

But look at this one! Definitely a 'line blind' parker! Welcome to YPI,
Capie. Thanks for your contribution.

Location: Yayasan basement car park
Date: 09-09-08
This entry was posted by Piggylicious, on
Thursday, September 11, 2008.
You can leave your response.
3:12 PM
gerenti begaragas kali..kira tarus masuk nda g kan mengusai correctly..
11:46 PM
that very idiotssssss
9:11 AM
vip x ni org ah.iath paking mcm a2...atau orgnya lampoh.payah x kn keluar.paksa th jua kn...jgn marah mr22
9:21 PM
Cars should always be parked properly while creating less hassles for the rest of the people present around, Airport Car Parking UK is there to provide keen parking options to all the customers.
1:24 PM
I do think that public shaming is the last resort now. May be it will talk some sense into those people. gatwick meet and greet
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