Let's VOTE!!!

Vote for your favourite here and stand a chance to win 3 free parking tickets to park where ever you want and get your photos posted here.
Labels: Infomations
...and when all else fails, (not so) public shaming maybe our only hope...
8:33 AM
My vote... Case 011 (the one with the beemer)
10:12 AM
YPIUNDI Case 013
5:47 PM
Case 013. Close call between the beemer and this, but this one had to win for blatant idiotism
12:09 PM
Members of YPI are not allowed to vote. That means you SEXY!!!
4:14 PM
8:09 PM
Ooooops! sorry about voting. Just got so excited!
8:03 AM
CASE 11... o yes, definitely CASE 11.. i was victimsed, what was in his/her mind parking it there... blocking my way out... so parking idiot!
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