Thursday, August 06, 2009 by Piggylicious
Look who's back? Back again!!!
Firstly, on behalf of the YPI team, I would like to apologise for the absence and lack of updates. We have been very busy with other commitments in life. We have jobs too you know! FYI, rumours of us being sued and all that are inaccurate. So here I am, making a come back after a very long hiatus. I guess no further introduction about this case. A typical 'Lapar parking' case. Can you guess where this photo was taken?

P/s: Keep on sending those photos people! You know you want to.
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Thursday, September 11, 2008 by Piggylicious

This post is dedicated to 'Astah' of the chatbox. We're not trying to be biased. But due to the lack of parking space, those who park by the roadsides are excused. Unless they cause trouble to other road users.
In this case, look at that! Selfish much? This can't be excused! Obviously he/she left the car parked on a pedestrian walkway! This is inconvenient for pedestrians walking in that area. So 'Astah', does that answer your question?
P/S: Selamat berpuasa to all Muslim readers. =)

Location: Gerai Ramadhan, Stadium.
Date: 11-09-08
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Saturday, September 06, 2008 by Piggylicious
Contributed by Cbung

This is a very unique case. Two 'BLACK' Sirions involved. The twins effect? Or should I say, Double Trouble? hehe Apa nya urang Brunei, "

Location: Centrepoint Basement parking, Gadong
Submitted: 05-09-08
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by Piggylicious
Contributed by John Cena

Looks like another case of 'Line Blind' parker. Tsk tsk.. when will they ever learn?

Location: Hua Ho Petani Mall, Tutong
Submitted: 02-09-08
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by Piggylicious
Contributed by Anonymous A

Anonymous A said
"..I don't know four PIs can block off a whole road?!?!.." 
Location: Near Kompleks Haji Tahir 2, Gadong
Submitted: 01-09-08
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Monday, August 18, 2008 by Piggylicious
Contributed by Hippo Krit

This is a good one. I'll let Hippo Krit do all the talking.
"..Who is suppose to up hold the law? Certainly not this 'IDIOT'.."

Location: Utama Bowling main entrance
Submitted: 16-08-08
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Thursday, August 14, 2008 by Piggylicious
Contributed by John Cena (taking a holiday from the wrestling world perhaps)

Line blind alert!

Location: Kiulap Plaza Hotel
Submitted: 13-08-08
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