Its been around 6 months now since this blog was started and even though the last few months have been slow, its still have been a great 6 months. And since its a slow month, we at YPI have decided to take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed so far.
VR4RS and Stukin Bubus have the highest contribution so far, having each contributed 24 cases (man!! that's alot!!). Asri has 21 on his hands, Zephyr 16, Wildfire 14 and r3dRaGoon 12. Still a few more to go. Zaku and Anak Brunei sent in 9, Piggy 7, Spartan (it's been awhile man) and Go Blog 6, The Droog, Pianoman, HanZ and anonymous71 had 4.
Lets not forget the others who contributed less than 4, if it weren't for you guys and gals, we wouldn't be here.
Adek Rox, Agent N, Anak Brunei, Boyboy, Broos Lee, Cats Queen, CK Mangut, Damien, Dragstar, Dr Labi Labi, Don Carleone, Eetfuk, F.S, Hakeem, Hane, HSN, iAM, Insane, Jeranimo, Jolo Jolo, Kalel, Krushed Velvet, Lambchops, Mr Wateva, Org Gila Durian, Passerby, PBB, rj63, Pengiran, Piggelo, Random Curiosity, Ranoaddidas, Rebel and the Liberator, Retarded Genius, Road Rage, Sexy Mad Mama, Snapshutter, Snap, Tanda Satu, The Foxy, The Princess, TiFa, Tina, Twelve J, UBD Spy Girl, Zaza, ZM, 1ate3, 48.. Thank you all.
Also special thanks to all those who took the time to make flyers for us. Too bad no one had the guts to use it. Haha!! No lah, we're all good people here. We're just havin a bit of fun right?
If I missed any of your names or misspelled it, tough. The one thing this site has taught you all is that life ain't all about pretty flowers.. Hehe.. Thanks again guys.. and keep'em comin!!