"..We were trying to park next to this car at the Hua Ho tanjung bunut basement car park but we couldn't. Why? Look at the parking lines.. HOW SELFISH! I guess 'princess' (The car was filled with princess on board and frilly pink crown cushions, Hello kitty etc) didn't have any servants to teach her how to park.."
"Can you spot the idiot? Was having a ciggy on the balcony at Seri Qlap Mall. Eventually he moved the car (I think he realised I took the picture from the building). But still, an idiot, inconsiderate idiot."
I'm not quite sure.... I'll let the readers have a guess before posting the answer.. which I hope Kellaz will tell me in his next email...
Write your guess here.. easier to track down than reading at the chat box.
Okay I'll let the contributor do the talking. Lestat said, "..the car park was deserted and some lazy fat arse and hist wife/ girlfriend almost pull into the car park, but decide to stop in the middle of the road and leave their car there, I even walked up to it as I could not believe that anyone with an ounce of intelligence would park there, the driver must still be sitting in the car right? Nope it was empty. If they could have been bothered to drive 10 seconds more they could of had the pick of 50+ empty spaces. But no they decide to block the entrance instead. Inconsiderate and stupid are not strong enough words to describe this parker.."
"..this was taken during my short holiday in brunei last week. I anyone ever wondered why is there always such a jam at the mall, this is why.. idiots like these that wont cease to breed. Idiot no.1 typical selfish driver, finds it fun to park by the side of the road..and just to make it more interesting this idiot does it in one of the most jam packed sampit places ever, gadong+mall+superbl**dysmallbridge. Idiot no.2 special sikit, this 'Chinese!' 'Female!' driver (i am not being racist or sexist here..it just seems to be so typical) decides to wait for her passenger right in front of this parked no.1 idiot. inda lagi masuk tu kerita nya ah, her big fat @rse is just sticking out there making it even More harder for people to move around them two idiots. And to be even more typical, as i passed her car i gave her one long horn and flipped her off and all she did was pretend to look front as if she doesn't notice how bloody idiotic shes being. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.. maybe she IS so idiotic she just didn't realise.."
Boy.. is he mad..
"..btw.. u guys shudve told me bout the fliers earlier, i would've printed out a dozen and posted them on both cars and one right on her forehead then give her one nice portrait picture.. for free.."
Hey Schizo.. its not too late to print out the flyers.. Plenty more where they came from.. and if you can put one on her forehead, I'll print one out and put it on me where the sun don't shine and have it posted here..
Those lines are obviously not parking lines. Wait, look at that yellow sign on the car. It says "Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy & Single". I got one more for the owner, "Parking Idiot". LOL
Submitted: 17th May 2008 Location: Behind Hua Ho (Gadong)
Being a frequent and active contributor to YPI, the YPI management team has decided to invite me to join them. Yes, i'm one of them now. So beware PIs, a new hunter is in town. Watch where you park your car!
*edited* .. told you guys to be prepared.. Welcome Piggy baby..
This guy, as I understand it, completely missed the parking spot.. by one slot!! Hehe!! The slot is actually on the right side of the van but he just wanted to park a little closer to avoid heavy lifting and future back problems.. Smart huh?
It doesn't matter the roads were blocked like what Jeff said, because personal interest is top priority.
Submitted 14.05.08. Taken at time 09.00 am Welcome Jeff and thanks for contributing..
Contributed by none other than and probably looking at a new record which we don't think anyone even came close to how many he has contributed so far and has not slowed down yet may even be gaining speed which could lead to wearing and tearing of his camera phone Piggy.
I've run out of things to say now.. Hehe!! So straight to the point, its the Line Blind Parker.. the car with attitude.
Contributed by Piggy.. who went shopping at Giant.
Look at all the trolleys everywhere!! How many can you spot? And its really a shame that to put off PIs from parking carelessly, barriers had to be placed which is an eye sore..
What a lovely shot. Just look at them!! Its like a day out or something. I think we really do need more parking spots.. or less cars.. or more shopping entrance.. or wider roads.. or smaller cars.. or brighter parking lines.. or bigger brains..
Piggy must be sick.. 2 high angled shots from RIPAS hospital.. Hehe!!
Have you seen the new ambulance? Black instead of white.. smaller more slick.. no need for medical supplies in it because its so fast, you can reach the hospital with the blink of an eye..
"..he's so selfish. He thinks he owns the road. Leaving his car parked right in the middle of the road. You can even see cars coming in and going out of the junction..
..p/s: sorry for the poor quality, was using a low-res camphone.."